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Irix® Risk Score with Credit Data

This webinar was featured live June 9, 2020. Please register to view the recording.


In this 60-minute, complimentary webinar, you’ll learn how Irix – Risk Score with Credit Data stratifies mortality risk by combining insights from prescription histories with credit information.

Topics covered

  • Provide a Risk Score overview
  • Discuss Credit Data and how it works
  • Compare the prescription-based Risk Score to a Risk Score with prescription and credit data
  • Share retrospective studies across multiple lines of business, including final expense, simplified issue, and fully underwritten

Who should attend

This session is intended for medical directors, underwriters, and other life and clinical professionals at insurance companies.


Eric Carlson, FSA, MAAA

Principal and Life Actuary, Milliman IntelliScript

Sue Bartholf, FSA, MAAA

Life Actuary, Milliman IntelliScript