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Curv® Suite

Deidentified Data Interpretation for a Broader View of the Group Risk Terrain

Curv is a suite of predictive models that assign a relative risk score to a group of individuals using deidentified prescription histories and medical data. Insurers use Curv for group underwriting, market segmentation, and risk adjustment optimization.

Explore Curv Products:

Quote Group Health Insurance More Quickly and Reliably

Curv Group Health empowers health insurers to win the right business at the right rates.

Curv® Group Health

Select the Best Group Life and Disability Risks with Confidence

Curv Group Life & Disability is a predictive model that uses de-identified prescription histories for a group of individuals to produce product-specific risk scores for the group.

Curv® Group Life & Disability

Zero in on Target Audiences

Curv Market Segmentation sorts prospects and members into highly accurate risk categories for targeted outreach. Insurers can use this information to make strategic connections that drive better marketing results.

Curv® Market Segmentation

Identify New ACA Plan Members with Likely Uncoded HCCs

Curv Risk Adjustment optimizes ACA reimbursement on new members in their first year and delivers significant benefit-to-cost results.

Curv® Risk Adjustment

Milliman’s Curv® products are protected by U.S. patents.

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    Curv®Group Health