Upcoming EventsWebinar
Revealing the insurable market in severe obesity
Data and modeling find nearly half the applicants in this group with better-than-average mortality.
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New therapeutics and their mortality impacts
Distinguish higher- from lower-mortality outcomes based on treatment use and other indicators.
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Interoperability regulations and the new era of EHR data access for life insurance
We're leveraging this new data to flow to deliver Irix EHR.
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Risk Score “cheat sheet”—new feature helps explain the score
We're making this supertool more transparent with the summary feature.
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The latest therapeutics: Underwriting recent and relevant FDA approvals
Learn what these breakthrough drugs imply for risk assessment.
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Scores that make you go hmm: When predictive models and underwriters don’t see eye to eye
Human art and data science really can come together for better-than-ever risk assessment.
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A new look at tobacco risk: Revelations from Milliman’s research and clinical data findings
Prescription Data and Medical Data find nicotine dependence history and reveal surprising insights into tobacco’s durable mortality impact.
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