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White Papers/Articles

FDA-approved Drugs of Interest to Underwriters: Recent and Relevant Therapeutics --- white-papers

December 15, 2023

White Papers/Articles

ACA Risk Adjustment Leaders: You’re Leaving Big Money on the Table --- white-papers

March 15, 2024

White Papers/Articles

Time on Your Side: Five Scrappy Ways Your PEO Can Use AI to Shrink the Group Health Sales Cycle --- white-papers

September 1, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Three Reasons Your PEO Should Use a Predictive Model for Group Health Underwriting --- white-papers

April 1, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Everyone into the (Data) Pool --- white-papers

January 4, 2024

White Papers/Articles

Irix® Risk Score Stratifies Mortality Risk with the Addition of Credit Data --- white-papers

December 15, 2023

White Papers/Articles

RGA’s Actuarial Validation of Milliman Irix® Risk Score 3.0 with Credit  --- white-papers

December 12, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Post-acute COVID-19 Mortality and Morbidity Effects --- white-papers

October 13, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Cutting the Bluster on AI in Group Health Underwriting --- white-papers

July 7, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Consumer Data and Its Applications in Health Insurance Underwriting --- white-papers

May 31, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Irix® Risk Score with Medical Data: Stratifying Mortality Risk by Combining Prescription Drug History and Medical Claims Records --- white-papers

January 23, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Collaborative Study: The Protective Value of Medical Data --- white-papers

January 20, 2023

White Papers/Articles

RGA’s Actuarial Validation of Irix® Risk Score 3.0 --- white-papers

January 6, 2023

White Papers/Articles

Five Ways a Morbidity Predictive Model Can Relieve Medicare Supplement Market Pressures --- white-papers

January 26, 2022